Have you recently thought about updating your home but did not want to deplete your savings account or maybe you just don’t have the extra funds when you need it. If either is the case you may want to consider financing your home improvement and with interest rates at record lows and banks easing their credit requirements now is as good of time as any to update your home.
Additions as patio or sunrooms not only will give you a peaceful getaway without leaving the driveway but will also increase the value of your home. If your home is in need of a new roof don’t discount the option of financing the improvement. Your home is your castle and keeping it in tip top shape will keep you from having expensive repairs from a leaky roof as well as its insurability.
There are several ways of going about financing home improvements including seconds, also known as home equity lines of credit if you have enough equity built up in your home. If you have good credit and a solid relationship with your banker a signature loan maybe an option though your interest rate may be higher than a second.
Today there are also home improvement loans available through various lenders that even offer 0% interest loans if the loan is paid off in 12 to 18 months. Drawdy Roofing & Vinyl Siding is proud to offer our customers several types of low to no interest loans to homeowners who qualify.
Whether updating your home with energy efficient windows, updating the exterior with beautiful vinyl siding, replacing a worn out roof or giving you more living space with a patio addition, Drawdy Roofing & Vinyl Siding is your all-inclusive provider. From helping you with the plans for your new addition to providing financing options we want to be your contractor of choice.
Vince Dettore, VP of Marketing/Business Operations